Thursday, March 17, 2011

Word Explosion

Within the last two weeks Molly has hit the "Word Explosion" milestone!  (Usually happens right around 18 months)  Her vocabulary is expanding a mile a minute!  She will repeat anything you say to her (sometimes it sounds clear as day, sometimes it's her own little variation)  I'm going to try to list the words she says, and usually uses on a daily basis - hopefully I can remember them all!
Hi - She says this to EVERYONE!  If we are in a store, and she's riding in the cart....every person we pass she says hi to over and over again until they say it back!  It's hilarious!

Arda (Arnold) -
And she'll chase him around the house yelling Arda! Arda!

K - Kalin, our billet
Poppop - which is my Dad, but Gunnar's dad is "Pop" so we can count that too!
Cup - when she's thirsty she says cup, when her cup is empty, she takes it to the fridge and tries to reach the water dispenser on it to refill it!  It's soo cute!
Mimmie (Minnie)
Fif or Fiffin (Griffin)
Sis (Ansley) Griffin calls her Sissy

Feas- Please (this is fairly new, we are working hard on manners since we are raising a young lady!) (God I sound like my mother!) thanks Deb!
pretty (this is what she calls jewelry)  She always examines my earrings and necklace and says "pretty"
Hot Dog (If you read the previous blog, you know what this means!)
Yes (she doesn't say this word enough, unfortunately she favors the next word!)
No (my least favorite)
Oh! alot of times she says this if she drops something, but usually she says it to mean yes, or if you ask her a question she'll respond "Oh?"
Bar - which is the cereal bars she likes, she'll go into the pantry, grab a bar, and bring it to me or Gunnar to open saying "bar!"
Boo (Kalin taught her this playing hide and go seek, it was precious!
Hockey - Gunnar, Kalin and I have witnessed this multiple times...I'm not sure she knows what it means, but god knows she watches enough hockey on TV or at Kalin's games!  SO I'm pretty sure she does!

I think that's it, but I may be forgetting some, it's hard to sit and make a list of them all at once! 

Animal sounds
Snake -sssssssss
Cow- Mooo -(although most times lately she laughs at me when we do this one, I have no idea why!)
Horse- nay nay

Dog- woofie woofie
cat- meeow
duck- quack quack
piggy- oink oink

We are so proud of our little girl, she's so smart! And growing up waaaaay too fast!  For all of you that told me to enjoy every minute b/c it flies by, you were truly right! Every day she does/learns something new which makes her closer to a big kid and further from a baby!  Breaks my heart!


  1. Yay Molly! I think it is so awesome that my kids names are part of her explosion! :) Let's just hope "stop it" isnt next! haha! "Ms. Brandi" would be ok though!

  2. LOL, Molly says "Bar"? Hmmm, are you sure this means a cereal bar? I know you and Gun all too well and "Bar" doesn't mean a healthy breakfast treat! Hahaha, so glad she is doing so well! Love ya's!
