Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Say Goodbye to Binky.....

Today was a day I have been dreading for some time. Day #1 of "No More Binky" (aka pacifier)  Molly has been using a binky since she was born.  But for a very long time now, (probably 4-5 months) Molly has only had a binky in her crib, for nap, and for bedtime.  When we go in to get her from a nap, or up in the morning, she throws her blanky & binky back in the crib herself, waves to them and says "Bye."  At her 15 month check-up, her doctor suggested we start to get rid of the binky.  *She was thrilled that Molly wasn't using one all day, or walking around constantly with one.  But along with this dr. checkup, Molly had a few vaccinations (MMR & Varicella), two shots that she could have experienced side effects with up to 2 weeks after receiving them.  So, right then, I decided I'd give her some time "post shots" incase she had any side effects, then we were knocking the binky, cold turkey.  Which brings us to today.  So at 12:45,  I put our little princess up for her nap.  I gave her her blanky and Minnie Mouse to hold as I usually do, but when I did not give her the binky, I could already hear what she was thinking......."WHERE'S MY BINK!"  So I turned on her music, closed her door.....and the crying began!  She cried for about 10 minutes, then stopped and played a little bit, cried some more, and played some more.  1 hour had passed, Molly was not asleep!  She continued to cry, and play, take off her socks, throw all of her "friends" out of her crib, and rip her crib bumper out!  She screamed some more!  By this time 3:00 had rolled around, and after firmly sticking to my guns, I finally went upstairs and got her from her crib.  I knew she would not nap today.  Since then, she played the rest of the afternoon with her toys (and Arnold), had a big dinner, played some more and was put to bed at 7:30 (an hour earlier than usual, but she was very cranky & tired.....gee I wonder why??)  After getting her in her jammies, and doing the usual bedtime routine (brush teeth, read story) I put her in her crib, and once again, gave her Minnie and blanky, turned on her music and started to close the door and she began SCREAMING!  She screamed for a good 15-20 minutes.  Then, she just stopped, layed down, and I'm pretty sure she's asleep!  I can see her through our video monitor (best invention ever!)  but I can't tell for sure she's asleep, and I'm definitely not going into her room until I'm sure she's asleep!  Small victory for mommy!  Hopefully Day #2 of No more binky goes off without a hitch!  As for the rest of my night, Gunnar's working late, so I'm going to enjoy a well deserved glass of wine, and begin Season 3 of my new favorite show, Man Men!  Goodnight!

45 minutes later....

She woke up, had a nuclear meltdown lasting 30 minutes, I went up to rock her to sleep, and my poor baby was laying with me making sucking sounds, I think pretending she had her binky.  She was soo sad, which is breaking my heart!  This is soo hard!  I feel so cruel, but it's for the best!  The longer we wait the harder it will be!  I really don't want a 2 or 3 year old walking around with a binky!  Poor Molls! 

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