Friday, January 20, 2012

Potty Training

The weekend of New Years we decided was the lucky weekend we would begin the potty training process!  Molly has been showing signs of readiness, and with it being a three day weekend for Gunnar, we figured it was the perfect time to do so! She woke up Saturday morning, and was put right in underwear!  It was the first time she had ever put a pair of underwear on, and we just reminded her every 10-15 minutes to tell mommy or daddy when she needed to go potty.  We learned during the process, that she really needed to take her mind off of the whole "going" part of going potty, so we had to put her little potty seat out in the family room, with a basket of books/toys to distract her!  After a handful of accidents, and having to switch from using the big potty, to getting a little potty seat, she really took to it well!  I am happy to report that since the process has started, she hasn't had an accident in over 2 weeks! (And she actually goes to the bathroom in the bathroom and not on a potty seat in the family room!) haha  We are so proud of her!  She still sleeps in a pull up, so I'm not going to claim she's 100% trained, but she's doing great!  She's in underwear all day, we can go out to stores, ride in the car etc and if she has to go she's great about telling me!  Way to go Molly!

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