Monday, January 17, 2011

Red Light Green Light

Molly had a playdate at a place called Red Light Green Light today.  It's a really neat place with tons of imaginative play centers.  They had a supermarket center, a big truck with a ball pit, tons of blocks, a restaurant center, animal hospital, and exercise equipment.  She had a blast!  We went with some of our friends from Moms Club (you'll recognize her pals Griffin and Ansley in some of the pictures!)  She was very busy playing, she wanted to make sure she got to see everything, and was constantly on the go!  She came home, and told Daddy (who is off for MLK day) all about her fun day, had a big lunch, played with Arnold for a bit and is now napping!  (She's really wiped out!) 

 Pushing the cart around.

 Building with blocks!

 Having fun in the ball pit!

 Grocery shopping with Griffin!

 Griffin, Molly and Taryn
 I don't know what this face was all about!
 Had enough of the ball pit!

 Thought she needed 3 cereal bars for a snack, after her lunch!
 Hanging with her buddy Arn!

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