Our trip to NJ was very nice! Very quick, but very nice! In the 6 days we were there we did manage to do a lot! For those that are reading this that I didn't get a chance to see, I do apologize, we'll be back in July and hope to catch up with you then! :)
Molly had so much fun hanging out with her grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends! In such a short visit, we were able to cover a lot of ground! From going out to breakfast, an egg hunt, hanging with family, and playdates with friends, Miss Molly was beyond happy throughout the trip! She traveled great to NJ and back too, which I couldn't be happier about! It's not easy traveling with a child by yourself, and I think this was the 3rd or 4th time I've done it solo, this time was by far the most challenging! Mostly because it was the first time she's traveled since she's has been mobile in some way! But overall she was great in the airports, and on the planes!
Enjoy the pics! I put descriptions on the pictures rather than type everything up here! There are more to come, but I felt I needed to atleast get some posted! Enjoy!
On our lay over in Chicago, heading to NJ! We made friends with a mom and daughter duo in the Albuquerque airport! Her daughter, Summer, was 2 years old, and her and Molly played very nice together, so we decided to sit together on the plane, then we both had 2 hour lay overs in Chicago, so we had lunch and the girls played! It was really fun!
Molly's Minnie Mouse pancake! We went to breakfast at Hollywood Diner with Grammy, Poppop, Aunt Em and my Mommom and Poppy! Mommom and Poppy go to Hollywood Diner a lot, and one day they noticed on the kid menu "Mickey Mouse pancakes" So they had to bring Molly there! The told the waitress to "dress up" the pancake, and when they brought it to Molly, she was soo excited to see a Minnie pancake! She said "Mimmie!! Mimmie!!"

The annual Fox Easter Egg Hunt! Molly and her cousin Melanie, telling secrets!
Molly found an egg!!
The Fox cousins! Emma, Molly, Billy & Melanie
Fox girls, Emma, Melanie, Molly and Kacie
Sharing goldfish!
Having a blast!
Nana and Molly hunting eggs!
Needed to be a big girl and eat out of the goldfish containers just like her cousins!
Swinging with Uncle Wyatt!
Taking a break to tell Uncle Wyatt something!
Molly and her buddy Luca! We had dinner at my friend Jenny and Matts house. I taught third grade with Jenny @ Sewell School, and every time we come back for a visit, we always get together! Luca is 11 months old, and on this visit this little pair played so cute! Walking/crawling all over the place! In this pic, they took a break to check out some Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on tv! So cute! Thanks for a fun night Cavalieri family!
Ice cream at Nana and Pop's house
Molly and Madison! Madison is my friend Tiffany's daughter. While we were home we went to Tiffany's sister Jaclyn's house in Philly for a party for her husband Josh! Maddie and Molly were busy exploring the place, playing, eating and catching up! In this pic, they took a break to watch some TV.
Check out Minnie Mouse on TV Maddie!
Hanging at Grammy and Poppops house.....decided to pull her pants down! She walked around the family room like this, it was hilarious!
Watching TV with her Poppop! :)
More pictures to come!
Looks like yall had a blast! We have GOT to learn how to do the minnie pancakes, dressed up of course!