Molly's latest obsession is babies. She loves playing with (toy) babies. She has an American Girl Bitty Baby that she got from Grammy and Poppop for her birthday, and since they are such nice (and expensive) dolls I didn't let her play with it right away. But this past week, it made its debut out of her closet, and Molly just adores her! She hugs her, kisses her, feeds her. She even has a baby stroller (from her Uncle Wyatt) and she'll put her baby in it and take her for walks, it's the sweetest thing! So yesterday while we were "leash shopping" (read the next blog for more on that), we happened to walk down the baby isle, and Molly started pointing to the shelves saying "Baby! Baby!" So we picked out a new baby for Molly and that lucky little doll came home with us! (Yes, I'm a sucker) It came with a little baby bottle, so I showed Molly how to feed the baby, and she literally walked around the house for an hour holding & feeding her baby (with her leash on haha) But a little FYI for the new baby, you better be on your best behavior because I have witnessed Molly disciplining her Bitty Baby, she tells her "No" and hits her on the head when she's not happy with her! Goodluck!

Taking Bitty baby for a walk
Hugs for Bitty Baby
Feeding the new baby (I was serious when I said before that Arnold is always right where Molly is)
looks like you and big G will have a built in babysitter when number 2 comes along...I just hope we are over the hitting/no phase! She looks like such a good "mommy" - should we start substituting teen mom and 16 & pregnant for Mickey Mouse Club...jk!