She recently started preschool (two mornings a week) and absolutely loves it!
For her third birthday, she decided on a Tangled theme. Tangled (which is a Disney movie based on the story of Rapunzel) is her favorite movie! We had her party at a place called Red Light Green Light, which is an imaginative play place for kids her age. The party went great, her and all her friends seemed to have a great time!
Below are some pics from her actual birthday and also from her party which was today!
I saw this idea on pinterest but modified it a little bit! On pinterest, people used clear trashbags and taped them to the entire door with balloons behind them. Since we only had black bags, we didn't want Molly to be scared by opening her door to blackness and all these balloons falling onto her! So, this is what we did and she LOVED it!
Stopped at the cupcake shop after her well-child check-up.
Opening presents!
Happy Birthday Molly!
These pictures are from her party! Even Maci had a Rapunzel outfit for the party!
The Fox Girls!