Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Zoo/Children's Museum

My friend Becky was here visiting this past week. She used to live here when we first moved to New Mexico. Her husband was the GM for the food company at Gunnars building. He has since moved to Lancaster for a job, and now they live in Houston. Becky came out to meet the baby and just to catch up! It was a lot of fun! While she was here, she wanted to check out a few places, and they just so happened to be kid friendly :) We went to the Albuquerque Zoo and The Children's Museum. We've been to the zoo many times, but never the museum....Molly had a blast!

Waving and saying "Hi Gorillas!!"

Checking out the zebras

She loved this little contraption!  It blew out air, and you'd put a ball on top of it and watch it float.  We had to come back to this thing like 10 times!!

This was a tiny Molly-sized room....when she realized buttons on the wall changed the ceiling to different colors she said, and I quote "THIS.....IS......AWESOMEEEEEE!!!!!!!" 

Found a microphone, and figured it was the perfect opportunity to sing the following "I totally rock!!!!"

This was like a hall of mirrors....what's better than 1 Molly.....lots of Mollys!

This was hilarious!  Becky has an Iphone, and has netflix on it so you can watch movies/shows etc.  Well she let Molly watch a show on it while we were cruising through Walmart.  After that, the rest of Beckys visit Molly would refer to Beckys phone as "My phone" and need to watch shows constantly!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

A little update....

Here are some more pictures from the last week. Everything has been going great around here, Maci will be 1 month old tomorrow (where does the time go?)  She's such a wonderful little girl!  She's still eating well, and is starting to stay awake for longer periods during the day, which is nice!  She's found her voice, and has been cooing and ahh-ing quite a bit too!  She sleeps great at night, we put her to bed around 10:30ish and she'll sleep until 5am!  It's WONDERFUL!  Although she refuses to sleep in her cradle, she sleeps well in her swing.  Needless to say we are flying through batteries, because not only does she need to sleep in the swing, but it needs to be swinging and vibrating all night long!  Whatever makes her happy!  :) 
She's been out of newborn clothes for about a week, and is wearing 0-3months (which is a little bigger than newborn) and sometimes 3 month size clothes. 
And Molly is doing great too!  She still loves to help with Maci, and she has really become very independent since the baby has arrived (which is great, because I was nervous she'd regress)  She likes to do everything herself, she really doesn't want help.  She goes in to use the potty completely on her own, (if we try to go in to help she asks us to leave) She even empties her potty when she's done into the big potty, its incredible!  She's been really into puzzles lately, and loves to do them. (and asks Maci to help sometimes too)  :)  She also loves to play dress up and tea party!  It's adorable! 
So here are some new pictures from the past week!  Enjoy!!

Molly got a little manicure during one of Maci's naps!  She loves having her nails polished!  When the polish chips on one of her nails, she tells me its broken and she needs more polish!  :)

Maci loving her swing!

Arnold took a break from stalking Molly and her snacks to hang with his new little sister!

Making a phone call!

Too cute!! 

Tightly swaddled just like she likes it!

Monday, April 9, 2012

More Pictures

Here are a few more pictures from Easter and also some other random pictures from this past week!

How cute is she??

Baby's First Easter....clearly the egg hunt really wore her out!

Miss Maci loves to sleep in our bed!  After she wakes up the second time at night to eat (usually around 5) I just let her crash in bed with us!

This was from when we went to see the Easter Bunny at the mall.  I just love pics of them in the stroller together!!!

This was from her 2 week doctor appt.  The doctor said she looked great!  She has gained a pound since she was born too! (Our little pork chop!)  I love when she makes this little kissy face! 


We had a great Easter here in New Mexico!  Nana and Pop were out to visit!  We had an Easter egg hunt for Molly in the afternoon.  She had soo much fun hunting eggs, and she did really good!  She even found the eggs that Gunnar hid in the extra tricky places! 
The Easter Bunny brought Molly lots of candy (she's especially enjoying the Peeps.....Aunt Meghan would be proud!)  He also brought her two Little Einsteins DVD's.  (Which is one of her favorite TV shows!)  The Easter Bunny brought Maci some candy too (which Molly is also enjoying) and some toys!
We went to the Texas Roadhouse for dinner for Easter.  It was soo nice to not cook, plus its a tradition to go there when his parents are in town!  Overall is was a fun day!  Below are some pictures from her egg hunt!

Finding lots of eggs!!

First official family picture since Maci was born....even Arnold is in it!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Easter Bunny

We went to visit the Easter Bunny today!  Nana and Pop (Gunnar's parents) are in town, and they came along!  Unfortunately Molly was NOT a fan of the Easter all.  These three pictures are the only ones where she is not crying!!!!  But you can still see the fear in her eyes!  Maci on the other hand....slept thru the whole thing!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Both of these girls resemble their father when they were born....what do you think?




New pictures

Here are a few new pictures of Maci (and one of both of the girls!)  We are all doing great, and really couldn't be happier!!! 

Love this little face!

Leaving a present in her diaper!

Wearing her "little sister" shirt from my Mommom and Poppy!  How about all of that hair??

Maci is not a fan of the pacifier, but who knows, maybe she'll be a thumb sucker??

Testing out their new double stroller from Grammy and Poppop!  This pictures makes Molly seem like such a big kid!  - We took the girls to Dicks (one just opened up near us....big disappointment, the one in Deptford is way better!)  But it was our first time testing out the stroller, and the girls did great!