Soo sorry we've been out of the loop! We've (Molly & I) been pretty sick! I'll rewind back to Mother's Day and catch you up on whats been going on!
I had a wonderful Mother's Day! I can't believe it was my second one already! Gunnar and Molly got up early and made me my favorite breakfast, pumpkin pancakes! And my Mother's Day gift from them was as FABULOUS pair of Christian Louboutin heels! (They have the famous red soles!) ~ We spent the day as a family just relaxing and enjoying each other! It was perfect!
My delicious breakfast!
My new kicks!
Saturday night (the night before Mother's Day) when I went to bed, I went in to check on Molly, and when I kissed her forehead, she was burning up! So I took her temperature and it was 104!! She's never had that high of a fever! So I woke her up and Gunnar & I put her in a cold bath gave her some Tylenol etc. The whole time, she was acting completely normal, talking, laughing, and thinking it was soo cool to be up late with Mommy & Daddy! I have the number for a 24 hour nurse line, so I called them and they gave me some suggestions on what to do with Molly (since it was midnight and I'd never get a hold of her doctor) So the next day (Mother's Day) she had a high fever on and off, it was the weirdest thing, and she wasn't eating much. She was super cuddly, and as much as I hate it when she is sick, I love it a little b/c all she wants to do is snuggle! Monday morning, she was really acting strange, very lethargic, whiny, crying a lot and had the fever again, so I took her to the doctor and found out that she had an ear infection (Her first one ever!) and.....STREP THROAT! (When the doctor said the word strep, I immediately flashed to all of our cuddle time the past 2 days, and just had a feeling I was going to get it too) So they put her on amoxicillin and after a few doses she was back to her old self! Me on the other Wednesday I was feeling pretty crappy, every time I swallowed, it felt like I was swallowing broken glass, so I went to the Dr. and sure enough, Molly was kind enough to pass the strep along to me! and I got put on the amoxicillin too! NOT a fun week at the Fox house! (And ofcoarse, Gunnar bypassed the strep! Just like he bypassed the stomach bug Molly and I had back in the winter!) So I'd say now, a full week after all that fun began, we're back to our old selves!

Our sick little girl! (This was the morning I took her to the doctor)
Snoozin with Daddy!