Ok everyone! This is our first official blog! I hope you enjoy it! I wanted to create a blog to share with family and friends as a way to keep in touch! We are on facebook, and I am pretty good at posting pictures there, but in order for you to view our pictures you need to have a facebook account, which I know everyone doesn't have! So with this blog, I can still post pictures, and write about the many things happening day to day, and it will be a lot easier than emailing! So check back with us from time to time, (I will post pics atleast once a week) to see what's new with Miss Molly, and the rest of us! Enjoy!
Below I posted some pictures from Christmas. We had a fabulous Christmas! Uncle Wyatt came out to visit, and Molly had a blast with him! And right after Christmas Nana and Pop (Gunnars parents) came out for a few days! Molly really enjoyed opening presents this year! It was so fun to think back to last Christmas, when she was just three months old, pretty much sleeping through opening presents. Then this year, she just wanted to be right in the middle of the action! (I included a picture of her and Gunnar from last year, and one from this year, so you can compare!) Santa must have known she was very good this year because she was SPOILED with lots of toys!

Molly's new kitchen from Mommy & Daddy, Minnie Mouse table and chairs from Grammy & Poppop, and shopping cart from Great Aunt Mimi.
Loved her new table and chairs!
Molly & Uncle Wyatt!
Her dollhouse from Nana and Pop!
Arnold and his foot long bone!
The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! (It's her favorite TV show!) She loves Minnie Mouse just like Aunt Meghan did!
All of her new toys!
Molly in her pretty Christmas dress! Thanks Grammy & Poppop!
Family shot!
We had dinner at our friends Ryan and Brandi Beals' house. This is a picture with them and their kiddos Griffin and Ansley! Molly's best friends!
Having fun!
Compare last Christmas to this Christmas!
Molly's 1st Christmas
Molly's 2nd Christmas!